You are just on the first step of a very painful journey. I too made the same journey. I too found JWFacts and like you, I double checked everything. Then I read Crisis on Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz. At that point I was so mad at the WT it was crazy. I also looked at the facts that show there was no global flood, and that caused problems. I just about lost all faith completely.
However as time has passed I have regained some of my faith. I do not believe the WT is the truth. I do not believe any other religion is the truth either. However after listening to people like Proffessor John Lennox of Oxford, William Lane Craig and often listening to both sides of the evolution/creation debate on the "Unbelievable" podcast, I have come to the point where I do believe there is a God. That for me was the first step. I truly believe that whether you choose athiesm or intellegent design there is a certain amount of faith required to believe either viewpoint.
I have listened to Dawkins several time, and I have listened with an open mind to the athiests, and anti-theists on the Unbelievable Podcast. I read quite a bit as well of all types of books with a wide variety of viewpoints. To me I just can not believe that the universe, the earth and all the life on it was an accident.
That being said I still am 100% sure the society is wrong about so many things. I can tell you this for sure though, it is very very very very hard to change the mind of a witness. You can not get them to see the truth about the organization even if you prove the org wrong using the bible and/or the orgs own literature. They truly are brainwashed to a certain extent and trying to go against that is like beating your head against a wall.
Still, I love my wife and daughter with all my heart. I don't want to lose them. So, I quietly faded. I used some mistakes the elders made as an excuse to stop going to the hall, but I have kept all my friends and family. For me that was the way to go. Others prefer to go out with a bang and burn bridges on the way. I came very close to doing that but now I am so glad that I did not.
Anyway as you go on your journey always look for the truth. That does not mean a religion, it means go for what you believe is true and right. Be true to yourself. However to know the truth you have to look at all sides of an issue. So please don't give up on God just because of the Watchtower. Just because they are deceptive and wrong does not mean God is. So many witnesses have a problem seperating the organization from God, and when they find out the organization is false they figure God is too.
To give both sides a fair listen try looking on itunes for John Lennox or William Lane Craig. Listen so some of their debates. Listen to the Veritas forum. Also, while I don't agree with everything he has to say I found Ravi Zacharias to be very interesting to listen to.
Either way, for me personally I stress how much I love my parents, and family and I don't rub their faces in what I believe (because it just doesn't work) instead I just try to live my life the best I can under the circumstances.